Subject: Windows '95 STARTUP for Mac! SND Author: GOPJoker Uploaded By: Date: 8/25/1997 File: Windoze95 pour le Mac.sit (76567 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1972 Equipment: Created w/SoundBuilder 2.0.2 Needs: MacOS7.x/Sound Playing App/AOL 2.x-3.0 Keywords: Humor Windows Startup **** LIBRARY: MMS/Sound Samples/ Misc Samples ----------------- This little SND catches an editor for _PC_World_ magazine, Jerry Michalski, telling an ABC-Radio reporter a joke going around the computer industry these days. It's been tweaked to feature the sound of -- well, are those Windows breaking? Or merely Microsoft delusions of grandeur being shattered? And why does the expression "Don't Believe the HYPE" persist so in the mind these days? Drop this SND in your Mac's "Startup Items" folder (inside your System Folder), or use it in conjunction with Bruce Tomlin's shareware control panel SoundMaster. Or, heck, just play it for your unenlightened friends. I believe it was the science-fiction writer Robert Heinlein who promulgated the maxim, "Ninety percent of EVERYTHING is crap." That's, ah, just about Windows' market share, isn't it? --GOPJoker Sample Quality: **** ----------------------------------------------------------- Macintosh Music & Sound Forum Go Keyword: MMS This file has been checked for viruses with Disinfectant (MCT)